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Designated position and name of the person to receive feedback on behalf of Nolinor: Yves Bergeron, Vice-President of Operations

Ways in which the public can provide feedback:

The public may request the accessibility plan or a description of the feedback process in another format by contacting the above-mentioned person. Nolinor commits to providing an alternative format within 15 days following the request and 45 days if the request is for a version in Braille.

Nolinor Aviation may also receive feedback on social media platforms via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or others and commits to acknowledging receipt of any request made through these platforms. Otherwise, an acknowledgment of receipt will be provided in the same manner as the feedback request was received.

Nolinor Aviation accepts and will also take into account any anonymous feedback made in connection with accessibility.

The feedback process is published in the Accessibility Plan.

Update July 1, 2024
